What’s Inside…
January 2025, baby! Three years since my provider went broke and I had to start from scratch. What is here now is just drafts under my areas of greatest interest: Consciousness, Liberation, Sex, Liberty, and Antiwar/Peace. I have so many articles, photos and memes from the old page that I still need to transfer over! And even more new material to upload in the future! I do have a lot of photos up!!
Social Media wise I am most active on Facebook/CarolMoore1776 and X.com/CarolMoore1776 and – for fun – X.com/DUMP Angela McArdle LNC (aka MisesCaucusExposed). As a Libertarian Party member since 1979, I enjoy exposing and mocking the tyrannical opportunists who took over in 2022. They drove out thousands of members and contributors, closed down the national office and barely keep the party afloat. Desperate to prove they are not losers, these oligarchs now play footsie with highly statist war mongering Republicans!!
So enjoy the enclosed!
Which Carol Moore?
There are a lot of Carol Moores on the internet, but I’m probably the most infamous. I am a longtime student of consciousness and political activist. I have been active in the radical feminist, anti-nuclear, peace/anti-war, Green/bioregional, radical decentralist and drug legalization movements.
Brought up in New Jersey, educated in Ohio, Massachusetts and Michigan, I have lived in New York City, Los Angles and Washington, DC. And now in Wilmington, Delaware. See a short, sourced biography here. Big one with photos to follow.
I’m a writer, social media poster, songwriter, video producer, meme maker, etc. This site includes many of my views on the themes detailed in the menu: consciousness, liberation, sex, liberty and antiwar/peace. I also include pages on my books, social media, photos and memes.
I did write a cop-coverup expose called “The Davidian Massacre” (Waco, 1993) published way back in 1995. Have several other partially written books on the back burners for years. With no car, in the boonies, what else have I got to do?? See the the book I’m finishing up in 2025.
I explore “consciousness” – which I describe as the nature and purpose of reality! And I outline its evolution in the universe and manifestation on this planet as the human race. I’ll also get into the prospects for human survival in the face of our imperfect evolution and our self-destructive cultural preferences for males who are stoical, dominant and far too cruel, especially when subservient to the most abusive alpha male elites. I also describe practices regarding spirituality, “self-improvement and self-actualization. And I detail the relation of the ethics of non-aggression, nonviolence and liberty as the basis of the voluntary organization of society. As an activist I cannot avoid suggesting nonviolent political strategies that will help us survive and evolve more fully as a species.
This site is offered to all freedom-loving, open-minded people of good will, whatever ideological, religious, ethnic, racial, lifestyle or other labels they may apply to themselves. We are all conscious beings – organized consciousness (aka souls, spirits). I hope we all drop our most ignorant and base views of reality and all become students of consciousness. Hopefully, those of very different beliefs may find some spiritual and political insights here – as well as a basis for action upon a minimal set of ethical/political principles. Hint: The Golden Rule!
For Carol Moore created photos and images – Attribution-NoDerivs – CC BY-ND
Can share with others with credit to Carol Moore, including commercially, but not adapt
For Carol Moore created articles — Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs – CC BY-NC-ND
Can share with others with credit to Carol Moore, but not adapt or use commercially