- COMING 2025!! Title EMBARGOED. Subtitled: Transcending Abuse of Boys and Men. About human’s self-destructive cultural preferences for males who are stoical, dominant and far too cruel, especially when subservient to the most abusive alpha male elites running the world. And how to transcend that B.S. Based on true stories. I have an @abusedboys account on X.com with just a few entries to use for publicity purposes when ready.
- THE DAVIDIAN MASSACRE – Disturbing Questions About Waco Which Must Be Answered: Published in 1995 by Gun Owners Foundation it details the 1993 ATF and FBI crimes against the Branch Davidians outside of Waco, Texas. Once the page is updated, I’ll have the full text of the book, six years of reports of my and others’ exposes and of federal government investigations, and also about Committee for Waco Justice actions which helped spur a Supreme Court decision freeing Davidian prisoners of their unjust extra 25 year prison terms. Lots of photos regarding the investigations and Committee for Waco Justice activism in D.C. – including of Carol chasing federal agent perpetrators around Congress for photos. Signed copies of the book will be for sale again at some point. Used copies usually available at Amazon.com.
- CONSCIOUSNESS AND COMMUNITY – Transcending God and State: A work in progress. I explore “consciousness” – which I describe as the nature and purpose of reality! – And I outline its evolution in the universe and manifestation on this planet as the human race. I describe practices regarding spirituality, “self-improvement” and self-actualization. And I detail the relation of the ethics of non-aggression, nonviolence and liberty as the basis of the voluntary organization of society. As an activist I cannot avoid suggesting nonviolent political strategies that will help us survive and evolve more fully as a species.
- I CHOSE THE APPLE – My autobiography in progress. Lots of good stories about my many hundreds of adventures in life as I try to evolve to higher consciousness. One day at a time. Short “I Chose the Apple” chapter in my “Title EMBARGOED” book above, coming soon in 2025.