The following topics will be explored more fully in my work in progress CONSCIOUSNESS AND COMMUNITY: Transcending God and State. This temporary page is an overview of my current views on consciousness. The final page will provide updated information and supporting sources and links on the following topics. So it may be less dense… time will tell… AI assistants sure do provide a lot of good help answering the most abstruse questions, so hold on to your seats…
- EPISTEMOLOGY: (the nature of and means of seeking truth)
I hold that although truth is inherently subjective, humans can consense on certain basic principles. And we must immediately do so in order to save the human species which is under threat of extinction through it’s own hands – especially nuclear war/residual radiation and toxic chemicals which are lowering human sperm counts so quickly humans – and many other species – may go extinct within 100 to 300 years.
Today many scientists and philosophers suggest that there is no ultimate, unchanging truth. Physicists note that the mere act of observing even subatomic particles changes their motions. How much more easily are affected human actions. Some scientists suggest that even “natural laws” are not static and unchanging but ever-evolving. Logicians point out the impossibility of constructing perfectly logically consistent arguments. It seems neither God nor natural law has created some objective, knowable reality.
Moreover humans are incapable of knowing reality objectively. Humans as much “construct” reality and truth as “discover” them. Each of us views reality through a unique “psychic grid” influenced by society’s teachings, personal experience and individual interpretation. Therefore, while humans can understand more “accurate” truths, we will always recognize that even such truth evolves and that every individual will view it a little bit differently.
Despite the seeming relativism of truth, humans must endeavor to discover the most accurate knowledge of the nature of reality and human purpose. And we must learn how to best combine, as appropriate, the three means to knowledge–intuition, reason (logic) and empirical (scientific) methods–to do so. We do not have to just going along with what the religious, social, economic and political “powers-that-be” call truth or reality.
- METAPHYSICS: (the nature and purpose of reality)
I write that “consciousness is both the nature and purpose of reality.”
“New paradigm” science describes principles of self-organization which operate all through reality–creating time-space-energy-matter. These principles operate from the sub-atomic, chemical, astronomical, and planetary levels, up into the cellular, plant, animal and human levels. Scientists describe differing but complimentary “dynamic” and “integrative” principles which resemble the assertive “yang” and harmonizing “yin” principles described in Taoist philosophy. And they see evidence of an inherent drive to evolve more organized systems and more fully conscious beings–ones who could more fully experience and enjoy reality. (Or, as I wrote in a song: in the beginning was the urge to have a good time.)
Some scientists compare these principles of self-organization and evolution to consciousness. The dynamic principles are like imagination and will and integrative principles like memory and awareness. Moreover, there is evidence of fields of awareness and memory called “morphogenetic” fields linking similar entities–atoms, chemicals, and each living species, including human. These fields communicate subconsciously knowledge among, and promote physical and social evolution of, these entities.
Because these principles are like consciousness, and because their purpose seems to be evolution of greater and higher consciousness, I personally choose to call the very nature and purpose of reality “consciousness.” I believe that the concept of universal consciousness must replace the concept of a transcendent “God.” As promoted by authoritarians who claim to speak and act in the name of a superior entity, the word and concept “God” has become like an idol–one that alienates us from our co-creation of the universe and our own lives. Recognizing that we are products of our own conscious evolution, not the creation of a transcendent god, we will recognize ourselves as the creators of human destiny. We finally will be able to create the heaven on earth, kingdom, Shangra La which so many religions have described.
3. METAPSYCHOLOGY: (scientific and spiritual speculation on basis of human psychology)
Studies in past life regression, near-death experience, psychic phenomena and morphogenetic field theory provide evidence of, and theoretical backing for, the belief that consciousness does survive when the body dies. Many who have had near-death experiences report that during their few years of stay “on the other side” they were taught that the meaning of life is to love and to learn. But it is being sent back to this challenging material plane that we learn the most. Jews, Christians and Muslims believe we live but one life. However, Hindus, Buddhists, Taoists, “animists” and others believe organized consciousness, the “soul”, reincarnates, passing from body to body over many life times. My own experiences and research convince me we do live many lives. The “between life state” (perhaps a variety of the human morphogenetic field?) is a “heavenly home” to which we return for a few years between lives. (I wrote a song about that, too!)
Human potential psychologists describe the individual’s motivational “need hierarchy” from most basic needs (safety; food and sex; belonging and esteem) to more transcendent needs (love of others; creativity and self- actualization; concern for humanity; mystical experience of unity with all being). There seems to be an inherent drive to “rise up” this hierarchy, to fulfill higher needs, to evolve to higher consciousness. (This is similar to concepts of the rising of consciousness through the seven chakras.) When humans remain stuck by an unimaginative or repressive culture to fulfilling lower needs, when we cannot fulfill higher needs, we become bored, frustrated–and addicted, obsessed with the need for ever increasing amounts of food, drugs, sex, power, money, to fulfill unidentified but pressing needs. And lets not forget the role of oppressive ideologies using private and state force. Especially the most insidious ideology of all – male dominance. Our self-destructive cultural preferences for males who are stoical, dominant and far too cruel, especially when subservient to the most abusive alpha male elites.
Humans can learn to act freely from “higher consciousness” [creativity, tolerance, acceptance, cooperation, love] instead of “lower consciousness” [habit, judgementalness, fear, dominance, anger]. Attaining “higher consciousness” does not mean abandoning lower needs, but being free to think and act from whatever level of consciousness one chooses as necessary or desired. First it means being aware of and letting go of substance and process addictions. And it means using meditation and self-actualization techniques individuality and in community. Sense of “community” with others is not just a romantic notion but a psychological necessity at every level of consciousness. Finally, it is not just a coincidence that belief in individual free will is the basis of metaphysical, cultural and political libertarianism.
While humans may have free will, understanding the nature of the various physical cycles in the universe which influence individual and group feelings and actions is essential to exercising free will. Therefore I provide information about cycles: individual daily cycles; longer individual physical/emotion/intellectual “biorythm” cycles; yearly cycles marked by the soltices and equinoxes; 11 year sunspot cycles which influence everything from epidemics to human revolt and revolution; cycles of physical and climate change to our planet; cycles of the universe as it expands, collapses and explodes into expansion over who knows how many millenium.
Yes, and I’ll explore how the cycles and movement of planets whose positions vis-à-vis the many universes in which our solar system wanders influence individual psyches as they leave the birth canal. (Just a little fun astrology, confesses this taurus the bull with 5 planets in fire signs. Very ENTJ.)