Some 20-something stoner living in my complex in Delaware assumed because I’m over 70 I was opposed to his smoking pot in the building. He’s generation layZ who zonks out all day on pot and Grindrs all night long. So much for sex and drugs as liberation. Even some states merely enable hard drug use, while making sure big pharma can squelch any new and less dangerous drugs. It’s all just a new form of slavery to keep us unconscious and make the pain of life go away. Nevertheless properly used psychoactive drugs can help us disassociate from and transcend past traumas and addictive, self-destructive patterns.
That said, here are photographs from a lot of protest and other events I went through while a legalization activist 1969 — to the present, really. For 35 years I always carried a small joint in my wallet just in case I got busted for something else. Just as a protest.

Marijuana Rallies.