This is a list of existing and coming pages of some of the more interesting events or series of events Carol Moore has photographed – mostly since 1998 when she started to get decent cameras. Click on blue links for photos uploaded to a separate page. Some of my older or larger files from my old website only are in PDF form. You can open them to a new tab or download them as desired. See the Social Media page for my all my video channels.
See other photos currently uploaded at Facebook/CarolMoore1776 under albums.

June 12,1982 Million March for Peace anarchist-libertarian “No Nations – No Nukes” contingent photos
Marijuana Legalization Protests 1989 to 2000s
DC War Tax Resistance Photos 1998-2010
Washington DC protests against US & Israeli U.S. and Israeli Wars and Occupations in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Palestine
2001-2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008-2010
1998 February 21 – Don’t Bomb Iraq Protest in Washington, DC photographs [PDF]
1998 October – War Resisters League Conference and Day Without A Pentagon
1999 Impeach Clinton Rallies in DC
1999 Spring protests against US-NATO bombings of Yugoslavia
November, 1999 – Wall of Denial Protest at Mall
December 31, 1999 – Y2K Nuclear Countdown Vigil at the White House
DC Anti-War Network featured photos (2001-2007)
Waco Justice Related Photos and Graphics 1994-2000
Libertarian Party National Conventions
- 1987 Seattle
- 1983 Utah
- 1996 & 1998 Alexandria, VA
- 2002 Indianapolis
- 2004 Atlanta
Libertarian Party of DC Photos – 2000-2001 (when Carol Moore was chair)
April 16, 2000 – IMF-World Bank Photos
Inauguration Photos
January 20, 2001 – GW Bush
January 20, 2008 – Barak Obama
January 20, 2017 – Donald J. Trump
Last edited 1-7-25